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Introduction and Types of Diarrhea

Introduction and Types of Diarrhea

What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is thе frеԛuеnt passage оf lооѕе, watery, ѕоft ѕtооlѕ with оr withоut abdominal blоаting, рrеѕѕurе, and cramps соmmоnlу rеfеrrеd to аѕ gаѕ. It can be acute lasting just a few days or become chronic and continue for longer periods of time. Proper home care and treatment is important tо prevent complications ѕuсh аѕ dehydration.
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The Anti-Office Workout

The Anti-Office Workout

SITTING for eight hours a day is tough on the body. Exercises will help. If you’re regularly stuck in front of a computer or behind the wheel of a car for long periods of time, you desperately need this workout. 1. Deep squats At university I was taught to only get people to squat down until their thighs reached horizontal.
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6 Ways to Manage Stress at Work

6 Ways to Manage Stress at Work

According to recent research, job insecurity, heavy workload, and unfair pay are all factors that have an impact on people’s mental health. But while you might feel helpless and stressed at times, there are ways you can empower yourself and change your job situation for good. Here are six ways to stress less about work.
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Does Gut Health Affect Your Mood, Sleep, and Stress Levels?

Does Gut Health Affect Your Mood, Sleep, and Stress Levels?

It is often said that “You are what you eat”. Turns out, there is some objective truth in that statement. It is a scientifically proven fact that our mood and health completely depend on our food habits. Human nutrition is complex, and the microbiota affects everything right from our mood, stress, health, and behavior.
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Common Causes and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Common Causes and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes, or more medically appropriate, Tear Film Dysfunction, occurs due to lack of natural lubrication in the eyes. This uncomfortable condition can be caused by an array of issues —including environmental (i.e., dry, dusty surroundings), an existing health condition (i.e., seasonal allergies), and other health issues that cause a decrease in the tear or natural oil production.
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Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

What is Ginkgo Biloba? Ginkgo Biloba is an ancient plant extract that has widely been used in traditional medicine for treating numerous health problems. Recently, the University of Maryland has declared it to be one of the oldest species on earth! It has emerged as one of the top-selling herbal treatments is not just the US but all over the world.
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